Sunday, November 25, 2012

Unsafe Permissions

Where iOS gamers tend to pay for their gaming with a credit card, it seems that Android gamers prefer to pay with their privacy. Google has implemented warnings on unsafe permissions for the user to review before launching an app for the first time. Most users will click away the warnings without reading.

I am proud of the fact that my game does not require a single unsafe permission, as can be witnessed on its google play page:

Out of curiosity, I checked the permissions of the Top 100 free Android games on Google Play. It turns out that apart from my The Little Crane That Could, there was only one other game (Duck Hunt Mario) that did not require unsafe permissions. Those are pretty astonishing results, I would say. And it makes me even more proud that I managed to pull this off: a successful game generating a handsome revenue without compromises. I wish Google Play would open up a new category for safe apps, to promote safety in the ecosystem.

1 comment:

Bram said...

Interestingly, Google has changed the wording. It now says: "THIS APPLICATION REQUIRES NO SPECIAL PERMISSIONS TO RUN."